USCCA Firearms Instructor Workshop
The USCCA Firearms Instructor Workshop is the live-training portion of the certification process prescribed by the USCCA for those desiring to become Certified Firearms Instructors.
Upon successfully completion you will be able to teach the following USCCA Courses:
1. Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals
2. Home Defense Fundamentals
3. Countering the Mass Shooter Threat
4. Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
5. Women’s Handgun and Self-Defense Fundamentals
This course uses curriculum developed by renowned Firearms Trainer and USCCA Vice President, Michael Martin.
Prerequisites: USCCA eLearning Modules (see below)
Number of students: 12-15
Class Length: 16 hrs classroom and range
Materials: We will provide you with all necessary classroom materials. We strongly recommend that you purchase a copy of Michael Martin's 200+ page text book, Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals for an additional $30. This is an invaluable resource for ongoing reference and instruction resources.
The course fee includes:
16 hours of Classroom Instruction based on the USCCA's Instructor Development curriculum, supplemented by videos, instructor demonstrations, and active exercises.
NOTE: The USCCA Instructor Certification meets the pre-requisite requirements for the State of Utah' Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) Instructor Program.
We are delighted to partner with the USCCA in certifying talented and committed instructors. As a Certified Training Counselor, we will train and equip you with the knowledge, tools, and materials necessary to succeed in your mission as a Certified USCCA Instructor.
Follow the instructions below. If you have any questions, please contact us at 801-548-7485
Step One
eLearning and Toolkit: Call the USCCA at 877.577.4800 to secure your access to the required, prerequisite 8-hour eLearning component, AND, and purchase your USCCA Instructor Toolkit.
The total cost for the online training module and instructor toolkit is $250 payed directly to the USCCA when you order.
You must complete the online training module at least one week before your class date.
NOTE: Make sure to tell them you are signing up for an Instructor Certification Course and your training counselor is Boyce James, Instructor #1370571.
Step Two
Live Instructor Training: Take our two-day (16 hour) in-person course consisting of classroom instruction, hands-on breakout sessions, and live-fire exercises.
Curriculum covers the following topics:
Course Introduction and FAQs
Instructor Mistakes
Teaching Best Practices
Managing a Safe Live Fire Range
Live Fire Exercises
Presenting the Student Multimedia
Marketing Your Business
Final Test and Review
Successful completion of this course will qualify you as a United States Concealed Carry Association Certified Instructor. In order to successfully complete the course, the instructor candidate must pass a shooting qualification, pass a written exam and you must pass the instructor's approval in class participation and presentation skills. The cost for the workshop is $347
Step Three
Certification and Launch: Once you've completed the Certified Instructor Course, your Training Counselor will submit your instructor credentials, and your Instructor Toolkit will be shipped to you right away.
Your USCCA Instructor Toolkit includes your professional classroom PowerPoint presentations, 10 copies of Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals by Michael Martin, classroom posters, 10 copies of Concealed Carry Magazine, and a USCCA Instructor Polo and range cap.
Once your certification is approved, you will be listed on the USCCA Instructor website and your classes will be searchable to prospective students. As a USCCA Instructor, you will join the best of the best in training citizens across America in the principles of self-defense, concealed carry and home defense.